FLAC Frontend is a popular graphical user interface that simplifies all your FLAC audio conversion processes. FLAC developers have selected this interface as an integral part of their distribution files. Its simplicity of use, together with its multi-platform approach, made FLAC Frontend to become the default interface for FLAC, the most widely used codec for a loss-free audio compression.
This simple user interface includes all the functionality and all the parameters that you usually find when running FLAC conversions from a DOS window. One of the big advantages of using the FLAC Frontend is that you can load as many WAV files from as many different folders and locations as you wish, and encode them in one single operation. If selected, it can leave all the encoded FLAC files in the folder of your choice, or place each of them in the folder where the source WAV file was. This interface can also be used to decode FLAC and OGG audio files into uncompressed WAV files.
FLAC Frontend includes a useful – though very basic – tag editor. With its help, you can specify the artist, album, year, and genre of each of the audio tracks to be processed.
Fast and powerful tool to encode FLAC audio files into MP3, WAV and WMA.
Simple audio conversion tool to transform your FLAC files into portable MP3s.
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